Sunday, January 31, 2010

DIY Facial-a real treat after a hard week

It's been a long time since I posted anything, thanks to my landlord. You would say that that seems like a strange reason. Why would the landlord not let me blog? Well, my dearest landlord decided it was time to sell his beautiful property. And so I was busy searching for a roof to put over our heads, so busy in fact that I had absolutely no time at all to blog.

So now it's been about a week or so and I have settled in quite comfortably. Have put things into their place. I can't believe the amount of crap that I had collected and had to leave behind. It is hard to judge when you have such a big house to yourself. But now since we have shifted to a smaller one, it's made me realize how we humans love to be hoarders. I have promised myself not to buy anything worthless from now on and be quite judicious as well as think of alternative uses for the tools and things that I already have. But anyhow, this is a topic for another day.

So after all my hard work, I think I definitely needed a pampering session. And for me, the best pampering is definitely a deep, indulgent facial. But who has the money to spend especially just after you have moved houses and paid a month and a half's rent in advance + bond money. A facial at the salon, however tempting is quite unthinkable, to say the least.

So I decided to go in for a simple DIY facial at home. I didn't need to spend a wad of cash plus I got it done right in the comfort of my own home.

Here's how I did it.

1) Started with putting cleansing milk on my face and rubbing it in circular motions. As soon as it started to dry on my face, I wet my fingers with water and started the motion again. Did this for about 5-7 minutes.

2) I then washed off my face with Neutrogena Facial Wash

3) Then, I took some Neutrogena Scrub in my hand and put it all over the face, gently scrubbing all the areas. Rubbing the skin too hard is never recommended. Did this for about ten minutes or so.

4) Meanwhile, I had kept the water to boil in a deep pan.

5) After washing the scrub off my face, I removed the boiling pan of water off the gas, put a clean towel over my head and lowered myself on to the pan. It is important not to do this in front of children or bend down too much. Both situations can be dangerous. I would say look for a place that is secluded and obviously the best time to do this would be when nobody is at home.

6) After steaming, when the pores are open and the skin is loose, that is surely the best time to remove blackheads. I should probably have purchased Biore`blackhead removing strips for this since the Clean and Clear ones that I have don't work that well. I didn't want to use my crappy strips so instead, I tried using a home remedy for blackheads which eventually didn't do anything at all for me. Just for your reference though, the home remedy calls for mixing a pinch of baking soda with water and rubbing on the blackheads. Failed miserably for me. Have you ever tried it? Did it work for you? Do let me know in the comments below. I don't know what I did wrong but next time I will definitely go in for the Biore strips. Have heard a lot about them.

7) The next step was easy---putting on a mask. I prefer making my own ones at home although I am not averse to trying the pharmacy ones.

So, I grated 1/4th of a cucumber, squeezed it to get the juice and then mixed about a tsp of honey into it. I mixed it well so it wasn't too drippy and then applied it to the skin for about half an hour before washing off.

Voila!! New, refreshed skin at home. I have vowed to do this every weekend to relive my skin of all the tension that it faces the whole week. Let's see how far of this resolve can I keep.

This DIY facial definitely left my skin feeling smooth and pampered, was inexpensive and I could do it in the comfort of my own home. Didn't take me more than about 45 minutes but definitely left me in a better disposition and a better position to face the next week.

Have you ever done a DIY facial? How were the results? What sort of face mask did you use? I am really eager to hear about it.

Do let me know in the comments section below.